While I'm working on a massive make-up post about the last few months, here is a little snippet about what has been going on around here.
There is a wall in Little Lady's nursery that has haunted me since the first time we viewed the house. I knew immediately that I wanted that particular room to be the baby's room, but until now, I hadn't found a solution about what in the world to do with that wall. I thought about a painting, framed posters, shelves...and nothing fit.
From the beginning I had wanted a tree mural in the room, but hadn't had the funds or artistic skill to make that happen. So I traveled to Hobby Lobby, bought 6 canvases and covered them with fabric. Scott painstakingly hung them. I hated the way it looked. So I took down the canvases (sorry Scott!) and began to research tree murals.
I started googling and after a few hours research I figured out a way to do it myself. I found a kits and templates but the cheapest thing I found was around $50. So after more searching I found a free tree outline, printed it, and copied it onto a transparency.

Scott hunted down a projector. It took awhile to adjust the projected image how I wanted it but I finally had it perfect. I traced it with pencil on the wall and filled the tree in with leftover brown paint from our garage.

From what I read online you could use craft paper or wallpaper scraps for the leaves. I found 3 coordinating scrapbook pages at Hobby Lobby that I liked and it worked fine. I used wallpaper border glue (because it was the smallest and cheapest container), some craft brushes from Hob Lob....and VOILA!

My long awaited tree looks great! I am so pleased with how it turned out...and it was such a cheap project. (my favorite kind!)

(side note: the wallpaper glue does dry clear....I was worried about how it would work with the paper but it dried completely after about 2 days.)

(Please excuse the lighting in this photo. My next project for Little Lady's room is a new light fixture. ) I love it. So easy. So inexpensive. What do you think?
LOVE IT!! Seriously we have a HUGE wall in our master bedroom and I LOVE tree silhouettes like that... may seriously steal this idea!! :)
Just now reading this... I LOVE THE TREE!!! What a creative idea...
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