Monday, December 7, 2009

The Todd Reception

The Friday after Thanksgiving (was that last Friday? two Fridays ago? Last year? I don't know...time is flying and I can't seem to keep up) I had the opportunity to photograph the wedding reception of one of Scott's oldest and dearest friends, Adam. Adam and Scott grew up next door to each other. In fact, Adam's parents bought the house next to Scott's because of their friendship. Their families have traveled together, spent holidays and vacations together, and the kids have spent most of their lives as next door neighbors. 

When Adam and Blair got engaged, they decided to have a small ceremony in Jamaica and planned a home-town reception for the weekend of Thanksgiving. So Friday morning, we packed up and made the drive from Birmingham to Americus, GA,  Scott's hometown. 

I actually missed the first 45 minutes of the party because I was in the car, listening to the Iron Bowl on the the XM radio.  After a series of mild strokes caused by the last seven minutes of the game, I was finally able to go to the party that I was supposed to be photographing.

The venue was was simple but beautiful and the man that owns the property built this with his own two hands...I was very impressed. 

This was a FANTASTIC idea for centerpieces. They looked like something out of Southern Living and they were so simple and inexpensive. 

The Todd family rarely is all in the same place at the same time, if you can't already tell from their excitement. 

What a lovely family! Thank you Todds for asking me to be a part of this night--I had a blast! 

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