Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I have good memories about high school prom. I remember getting ready with friends, hair appointments, anxiety over what-do-I-say, what-do-I-do, is my hair going to make it,  etc.   I went to three proms and all of them were fabulous. In fact, in all four high school years, three dances a year, there was only one dance that was disastrous. I don't know if I should talk about it, but what I will tell you is that afterwards,  Meredith and I drowned our sorrows in some Ben and Jerry's Half Baked Brownie Batter. Even as freshmen we were smart enough to know that chocolate is the magical cure for everything. 

I couldn't help thinking about all my high school prom memories lately. I got to re-live all my proms as the Junior class sponsor since the Junior Class was in charge of the Junior/Senior Prom. Thanks to my fabulous parents (particularly Debbie), it was a success! I even had a few spare minutes to capture some of the big night. 

I have beautiful students.

The Senior boys. Camera settings were atrocious on these pictures, but I like the way it turned out.

These Senior ladies are F-U-N. I'm going to miss you girls!

Class of 2009. Sassy as always.

The one above was a complete accident. But I love it.

I secretly love the fact that these girls hang out in my room every 7th period. Love them.

This girl is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.

I would explain the whole experience behind putting the Eiffel Tower up, but I can't. I'm still getting over it.

Thanks to all the fabulous moms that gave up their time to help so graciously! 

Yahoo! We made it! Now on to planning the Senior Trip.....Chehaw Park 2010!

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