I'm back! Over the last few weeks one of the last things I've felt like doing is taking pictures and blogging. But now, I feel like I've finally turned a corner and I'm ready to jump back into the blogging world. Here are some of the very few photos from the last 6 weeks or so...hopefully this will get me caught up.

The cake I made for Easter....Chocolate Truffle Cake. And oh my, was it good. In fact, I had slivered off so many tiny slices that I realized it had to go. So in a moment of sheer will-power, the leftovers went in the trash. Then I cried.

This has been my go-to Easter centerpiece the last two years. It's cheap and easy...and it helps to have a blooming azalea at your back door.

This is the upstairs bath. It needed some color and in an intentional move to be "daring" I chose some colors a little outside of my comfort zone. I have to admit I was a little scared after the first coat went on but now I LOVE it.

Bright? Yes.

But do I love it? Oh, yes.

We have the prettiest cheery tree in our front yard. The blooms have turned now, but it was so nice while it lasted.

We had company over one night and I needed a simple dessert to go with the homemade pizza we were having. I totally stole this from a girl at church and these strawberries were a big hit.

So simple: strawberries, dipped in white chocolate, rolled in crushed Oreos. Perfect.
I made some brownies to go with the strawberries....and I get a text that afternoon from my husband (and his friend who was staying the night), "Can we have a brownie?" I said yes, assuming they would cut the brownies like normal people.

I was wrong.